Short Biographical Supplement
Mohamed A. El-Sharkawi is a Fellow of IEEE. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of British Columbia in 1980. In 1980 he joined the University of Washington as a faculty member where he is presently a Professor of Electrical Engineering. He also served as the Associate Chair and the Chairman of Graduate Studies and Research.
Among his major activities are:
Author of four textbooks
Fundamentals of Electric Drives published by Brooks/Cole, 2000
Electric Energy: An Introduction published by CRC press, 2004, 2009 and 2012
Electric Safety: Practice and Standards Published by CRC, 2013
Wind Energy, An Introduction Published by CRC press, 2016
Chairman of IEEE=PES Subcommittee on Renewable Energy Machines and Systems
Vice President for Technical Activities of the IEEE Neural Networks Society
Member of the administrative committee of the IEEE Neural Networks Council representing the Power Engineering Society
Multi-Media Tutorial Chair of the neural network Society
Founding Chairman of numerous IEEE task forces and working groups and subcommittees
Member of the editorial board and associate editor of several journals
Organized and taught several international tutorials on intelligent systems applications, power quality, power systems, renewable energy, integration of renewable energy systems, electric safety, and induction voltage
Chairman of the IEEE International Electric Machines and Drives, Seattle, May 1999
Founder of the international conference on the Application of Neural Networks to Power Systems (ANNPS)
Co-founder of the international conference on Intelligent Systems Applications to Power (ISAP)
Organized and chaired numerous panel and special sessions in IEEE and other conferences
Consultant on electric safety, operation and control of electric systems, devices and circuits, and intelligent systems
Published over 220 papers and book chapters in his research areas
Holds 5 licensed patents
Editor/co-editor of several IEEE tutorial and research books on Intelligent Systems and Applications